Well, an "irate" Palin aide wrote to Tapper complaining that this year's earmark requests represent a reduction from 51 earmarks in FYE 2008 ($256 million), and that she'll request only eight earmarks in FYE 2010 ($69 million) all related to "national security."
Still, the Tapper story, according to the aide, makes Palin look like a hypocrite, injuring her "quite literally."
Since the aide considers Palin a fiscal conservative, Tapper thought he'd point out (my italics):
Gov. Palin as a vice presidential candidate claimed that she "championed reform to end the abuses of earmark spending of Congress."One old friend labeled Jimmy Carter as the worst president ever and blames Clinton for this current economic mess because of Fannie/Freddie abuses. Blaming is so easy; having principles is hard.
And yet, she has asked for and is still asking for -- and receiving -- tens of millions of dollars in earmarks -- pork barrel spending that does not go through the normal appropriations process.
Including, you might be interested to know, moneys for alcohol bootlegging interdiction and North Pacific fisheries programs.
Her former running mate, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., requests no earmarks.
That's a fiscally conservative position.
We've never hesitated to point out political mixed messages, on earmarks or other subjects, whether they come from Democrats such as President Obama (read HERE or watch HERE) or Republicans such as Gov. Palin.
We will continue to do so.
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