Friday, April 24, 2009

Thank you, Andrew

I could not have said this better myself. Money quote:
These people [the defenders of torture] are not making a good faith argument. They are transparent defenders of the indefensible. Arianna is right: this is a defining moment for America. This is not now and never has been a question of right versus left. It is right vs wrong. It is a bright line which the black-and-white crowd has suddenly decided is oh-so-gray. But we have their testimony now. And history has it for ever.
Some of the emails I have received on this subject have defied all logic. Basically the thinking is that anything goes, including killing any one of those fucking bastards, if it saves even one American life. So there you have it: in an effort to preserve the American way of life that we've proudly lived for generations, we have violated it repeatedly, unapologetically, and with unflinching barbarity. I look back on the last eight years with shame for America, and nothing but hope for the future now that a rational human being leads this country. Economic "Socialism" is better than the fascism we endured.

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