It's your job to f*ck up power, and it's Fox News's job to f*ck up truth.
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
For Fox Sake! | ||||
"The Government saved a dying planet, when popular icons failed." -- Sting, "Jeremiah Blues"
It's your job to f*ck up power, and it's Fox News's job to f*ck up truth.
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
For Fox Sake! | |||| | ||||
In August, the International Association for Fire Safety Science (IAFSS) released a report that concluded none of the evidence from the fire indicated it was set intentionally and that the state fire marshal who testified the fire was arson lacked "any realistic understanding of fires."
For capital cases in which the jury will debate whether or not to sentence a convicted defendant to death, the Supreme Court mandates that jurors be "death-qualified"-that is, they must pledge during the jury selection process that they morally support capital punishment and that they would have no problem signing a sentence that will result in the death of another human being.
The noose has tightened around the necks of Christians to keep them from speaking out on certain moral issues. And it all was embodied in something called the Hate crimes bill that President Obama said was a major victory for America. I’m not sure if America was the beneficiary. [...] We have voted into office a group of people who are opposed to many of the fundamental Christian beliefs of our nation. And they hold to radical ideology, and they are beginning put people sharing their points of view into high office...Considering how often white Christians lynched blacks, Jews, and other non-WASPs, I say payback's a bitch.
My prediction is that the public option, if it passes, will be much like that. States wouldn't be able to opt out till 2014. By 2014, we'll be arguing over all manner of things, but a public insurance option for the small sliver of the population with access to the health insurance exchanges will be one of those things. In that scenario, where there's very little controversy over the public option, I don't believe that state legislatures and governors are going to go to the trouble of rejecting it, and I don't believe that anyone will manage to reinvigorate the controversy around it. The controversy around the public option is an expression of the controversy around Barack Obama's presidency in general, and health-care reform in particular. Once those issues are essentially settled, the underlying policy isn't going to hold people's attention.I didn't know there was a five-year waiting period for states to opt-out. This accomplishes two things: 1) it gives Obama and the Democrats enough time either to succeed or hang themselves, and 2) it takes Republican anger and political gamesmanship out of the picture to see how things develop. And in truth, this is all Obama asks for -- time to see if things work. We have sat for eight years in Afghanistan waiting for things to work (they haven't), and we took a similarly long time in Iraq (jury's still out). Seems to me that it's in the country's interest to see how things go with something that has the potential of saving American lives in a tangible way.
I think there are grounds on which to criticize the Obama administration's anti-recession actions. But spending too much is not one of them. Indeed, based on this analysis, it is pretty obvious that spending - real spending on things like public works - has been grossly inadequate. The idea that Reagan-style tax cuts would have done anything is just nuts.
Presumably, [his no vote on cloture] would give Lieberman the junior seats on, say, the Rules Committee, the Special Committee on Aging, and the Joint Committees on Printing and the Library. Maybe someone on Reid's staff -- or maybe Schumer's, since this is more his style -- can sort through the committee requests, run the numbers, and quietly pass on to Lieberman the list of committees he would be left with if his seniority were reset to zero as of the day of the cloture vote. Then let Joe see if the GOP is willing to kick any of its own members off of the committees he wants in order to make room for him. If he can cut that deal, fine. If not, then Holy Joe can contemplate exactly how to keep sufficient corporate money coming in to his campaign for 2012 if he has to spend the next three years sitting in the back of the room on the crappiest committees in Washington.
The Obama administration has clung for so long to the Bush administration’s expansive claims of national security and executive power that it is in danger of turning President George W. Bush’s cover-up of abuses committed in the name of fighting terrorism into President Barack Obama’s cover-up.These are not idly critical words. Uh, Yeah Right has regularly touted the Bush torture and warrantless search policies as anti-Constitution, anti-American, and the biggest reason why McCain (who heartily embraced these policies) was unfit to become president.
From the beginning, in its very marrow, this country was forged out of that racial and cultural interaction. It fought a brutalizing, bloody, defining civil war over that interaction. Any European student of Tocqueville swiftly opens his eyes at the three races that defined America in the classic text. Has Buchanan read Tocqueville? And that's why it seems so odd to me that the election of the son of a white mother and a black father is seen as somehow a threat to American identity for some, when, in fact, Obama is the final iteration of the American identity - the oldest one and the deepest one. This newness is, in fact, ancient - or as ancient as America can be. The very names - Ann Dunham and Barack Obama. Is not their union in some ways a faint echo of the union that actually made this country what it is?
Black Americans have shed blood in every American war since the Revolution. This country, even the very Capitol building in which today's legislators now demand to see the birth certificate of the first black president, was built on the sweat and sinew of slaves. Before we were people in the eyes of the law, before we had the right to vote, before we had a black president, we were here, helping make this country as it is today. We are as American as it gets. And frankly, the time of people who think otherwise is passing. If that's the country Buchanan wants to hold onto, well, he's right, he is losing it.
Two Republican Party chairmen from South Carolina, in trying to defend Sen. Jim DeMint's (R-SC) practice of not using earmarks, said DeMint "is watching our nation's pennies," just like "the Jews who are wealthy." gets better when viewed in context of the full quote. In an op-ed the two men wrote for a South Carolina newspaper, they wrote:
There is a saying that the Jews who are wealthy got that way not by watching dollars, but instead by taking care of the pennies and the dollars taking care of themselves. By not using earmarks to fund projects for South Carolina and instead using actual bills, DeMint is watching our nation's pennies and trying to preserve our country's wealth and our economy's viability to give all an opportunity to succeed.
Only 20 percent of Americans now identify themselves as Republicans, the fewest in 26 years. Just 19 percent, similarly, trust the Republicans in Congress to make the right decisions for the country's future; even among Republicans themselves just four in 10 are confident in their own party. For comparison, 49 percent overall express this confidence in Obama, steady since August albeit well below its peak.
Inflation is inevitable when the economy runs in cycles. The hyper-inflation of the '70s is not a big worry, however, even with gold prices currently shooting up very high. What the report states is that gold prices are surging partly because foreign central banks are diversifying their portfolios rather than relying so heavily on the dollar. We've heard a lot of talk about foreign governments' turning to other currencies or gold for their investments, which would send the dollar into the toilet and inflation into the stratosphere. But if that were true, then why are all these foreign central banks still net buyers of US Treasury securities (i.e., they buy more US debt than we buy their debt). If they had lost confidence in the dollar, then they'd be net sellers of Treasuries.Interest by foreign central banks to increase their gold holdings begs a more fundamental question. Have they lost confidence in the dollar? Probably not, at least not yet. As noted above, foreign central banks have purchased $53 billion worth of Treasury securities over the past 12 months. Although the pace of purchases has slowed from its rate of a year or so ago, we think foreign central banks would have become outright net sellers of Treasury securities if they had "lost confidence" in the greenback. Foreign central banks are not dumping dollars, but they appear to be diversifying away from the greenback on a flow basis.
As we argue in a recent report, however, indications that the United States is not serious about addressing its long-run fiscal challenges could eventually lead foreign investors and central banks to reassess their willingness to continue financing U.S. government obligations. Although there is little evidence to date to suggest that that point has been reached, the price of gold could skyrocket if foreign governments do indeed lose confidence in the dollar.
As Larry Summers [Obama's chief economic adviser] once put it, we don't have a VAT because liberals think it's regressive and conservatives think it's a money machine. We'll get a VAT when liberals figure out it's a money machine and conservatives figure out it's regressive.
According to Wikipedia, in 1979, the date of the commercial that made Glenn Beck cry, his mother drowned in a mysterious boating accident. His parents had divorced in 1977 and he then had to move to a different town to live with his father. His step-brother subsequently committed suicide. Keep those apparent facts in mind and watch the Youtube clip again.
“I’m not a racist,” Bardwell told the newspaper. “I do ceremonies for black couples right here in my house. My main concern is for the children.” Bardwell, stressing he couldn’t personally endorse the marriage, referred the couple to another justice of the peace.
The bride says the case boils down to discrimination. Humphrey told the Daily Star that she called [Justice of the Peace Keith] Bardwell on October 6 to ask about getting a marriage license, and was asked by his wife if it would be an interracial marriages. Humphrey said she was told that Bardwell does not sign off on interracial marriages.
One wonders how many young voters will return. It's possible that 2008 saw an unusually high level of youth turnout that won't be replicated any time soon. If unemployment surpasses 10 percent and stays there for a prolonged period, youth unemployment will presumably be somewhat higher. These voters might not be inclined to actively and energetically support the party in power at that point. To be sure, it's not clear that Republicans will be able to win them over. A jobs-focused agenda would help. John Harwood suggests that Republicans will emphasize jobs on the campaign trail. ... But what exactly will the G.O.P. do to revitalize the economy?Exactly nothing is what they'll do. Even if they gain seats in both houses of Congress, they are going to be without the power to do anything without having to deal with the Democrats. In all likelihood, the Dems will retain their majorities, so all they'll really have is filibuster power in the Senate. If anyone thinks John Boehner will turn Republican electoral House gains into substantive policy gains before 2012, he's smoking some serious crack.
Science cannot prove God, or disprove Him. He has to be assumed. If people have no other reason to believe in God than that they can’t imagine how the human eye could have evolved by itself, then their faith is very weak.Instead of trying to affirm his own faith in the heavens, he says it's religion that inspires him to be a scientist:
Seeing the universe as God’s creation means that getting to play in the universe - which is really what a scientist does — is a way of playing with the Creator. It’s a religious act. And it’s a very joyous act.
If you look around at the rest of the world and what this kind of behavior has done, like in Rwanda, where the demagogues got on the radio and fomented all that hate between the Tutsis and the Hutus and the devastation that happened from that, I mean, it's terrifying. And that could happen, you know, you could turn on a dime. That could happen here.I think Andrew's being too hard on Bette by calling her statement"divisive, bitter, and intemperate left wing rhetoric." In case he hadn't noticed, gun sales are soaring, and I heard on NPR this week that ammunition sales have had trouble keeping up with demand.