Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Go MoDo

Letterman's actions since it was disclosed that he'd had an affair with a staffer while he was still single (though in a relationship with another former staffer who is now his wife) have been honorable. Watch any of his shows since that day, and you can see that he is struggling with some heavy shit. All of it while still able to make his audience smile and laugh.

Maureen Dowd's reality check is a welcome breath of fresh air. My blog has no special HTML capability right now, so here is the link to her op-ed:

Money quote:

In an ideal world, bosses would refrain from sleeping with subordinates, so as not to cause jealousy and tension in the office. But we’re not in an ideal world. Otherwise, we’d already have health care for everyone and Glenn Beck wouldn’t have any influence over the White House.

After David Letterman acknowledged that he’d had flings with young assistants, some commentators talked about it in the same breath as Roman Polanski, who drugged and sodomized a 13-year-old. That’s outrageous.

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