Thursday, August 20, 2009


Is there nothing that "conservatives" won't do to derail the Obama administration? We've seen the protestors showing up at town hall meetings, with signs, shouting over senators and congressmen, effectively choking any debate on the issues to be discussed at the town hall.

I'd never heard the coined term before -- Astroturfing -- used to describe pseudo-grass roots movements initiated to protest government actions. But this Newsweek story exposes the fact that the anti-health insurance reform movement, as well as the earlier, failed "tea party" movement, were orchestrated and funded by special interests.
The protests and town-hall disruptions for and against health-care reform that have arisen in recent weeks have been linked back to insurance companies and interest groups hoping to shape the debate without appearing like meddlers trying to buy policy with buckets of money.
But of course they're doing this. When you have nothing else to say -- and we've all seen that Republicans today have absolutely nothing substantive to say about the direction of this country -- you resort to attacking those who actually have ideas and create enough noise to suggest that you actually have something so say.

This is America, so free-speech it up, folks! Propagate falsehoods! Carry around assault rifles and handguns at town hall meetings to suggest what might happen if things don't go your way! Deface the president's image with Hitler mustaches! And stay mired in mid-20th century thinking. Meanwhile, we'll be over here, getting things done.

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