Thursday, August 6, 2009

"With the guards of Magog swarming around..."

Secular Humanist -- and newspaper editor -- James A. Haught details the obsession former President George W. Bush had with going to war in Iraq. Money quote:

For six years, Americans really haven’t known why he launched the unnecessary Iraq attack. Official pretexts turned out to be baseless. Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction after all, and wasn’t in league with terrorists, as the White House alleged. Collapse of his asserted reasons led to speculation about hidden motives: Was the invasion loosed to gain control of Iraq’s oil—or to protect Israel—or to complete Bush’s father’s vendetta against the late dictator Saddam Hussein? Nobody ever found an answer.

Now, added to the other suspicions, comes the goofy possibility that abstruse, supernatural, idiotic, laughable Bible prophecies were a factor. This casts an ominous pall over the needless war that has killed more than four thousand young Americans and cost U.S. taxpayers perhaps $1 trillion.

Truth be told, I'd always suspected that Bush was thinking apocalyptically, and was leading the country into what he perceived was a Christian crusade. With Rumsfeld attaching biblical text to reports on the war that he was providing the president, this all sort of falls neatly into place. Non-Christians on the right might say I'm as bad a conspiracy theorist as the birthers, but here we have the former leader of a major US ally on record with this. As Sullivan remarks, I am agog.

666 is no longer alone
He's getting out the marrow in your backbone
And the seven trumpets blowing sweet rock and roll
Gonna blow right down inside your soul
Pythagoras, with the looking glass, reflects the full moon
In blood, he's writing the lyrics of a brand new tune

(Note: lyric above and in title from "Supper's Ready" by Genesis)

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