Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Awful News for Sarah

According to Matt Continetti's pro-Palin spin over at the WSJ, 47 percent of Republicans think she's up to the job for president. Well, let's see: if only 21% of Americans currently identify as Republicans, that makes for 10% of all Americans who think she's up to the job.

Let's speculate and say that among self-identified Democrats, only 5% think she's up to the job, and 40% of independents think so. According to the same WaPo/ABC News Poll, 35% of people identify as Democrats, and 38% as independents.

Republicans: 21% X 47% = 9.87
Democrats: 35% X 5% = 1.75
Independents: 38% X 40% = 15.2
Total: 26.82% of Americans thinks she's up to the job of president

I say let her run. Let her pull the Republicans farther to the right and lead them into yet another crushing defeat at the hands of Progressive America. It's exactly what America needs right now.

In a related aside, GOP senatorial candidate Carly Fiorina hopes that Palin will support her over her GOP primary opponent, Chuck DeVore, telling reporters, "I share Sarah Palin's values."

Palin is now the archetypal Republican. File that in the dictionary under "madness."

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