Tuesday, December 29, 2009

More GOP Hypocrisy

TPM reports today that former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge is saying that the Nigerian terrorism suspect should not be tried in civilian court.

But, under the Bush administration, shoe bomber Richard Reid was captured with the same explosive material, and used the same modus operandus, and also failed in his attempt. He was tried and convicted in civilian court and is now serving serious time.

Uh, so what makes the Nigerian guy different? Oh, yeah -- with Republicans far out of power, they are going to seize on this story and try to paint the President as weak on homeland security and a Muslim sympathizer. WTF? Is there absolutely nothing that Republicans will not do? Will they continue to find new depths of idiocy? One can only hope that there is just one -- ONE -- sane mind in that party that will find his way to the front and return some civility and reality-based commentary to their side of the dialogue.


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