Monday, April 13, 2009

The Dying Republicans, cont.

A reader asked me what kind of loony liberal trash I was reading when I posted Steven Weber's piece from Huffington Post. Andrew Sullivan nominated the piece for his annual "Moore Award," the kind of intemperate, leftist crap that smacks of Michael Moore. Well, I liked the piece.

And if one is looking for balance on the other side, one only need read Mr. Cesca this morning, as he shares a post that showed up on Glenn Beck's 9-12 Project's website.

NOTE: I usually embed these as links in my blog posts, but for some reason the computer I'm using won't display all my HTML tags properly. So now I'm just copying and pasting the link to Cesca's blog below:

The writer of the post is, if not faking it, a dangerous nutjob. He is talking about armed resistance to the point where President Obama and "all of Congress" are soon going to "hang" for what they are doing to this country. He is writing about trying to forcibly unseat our President.

All kidding aside, there is room on both sides of this debate for passionate opinion. But we have not reached the point where we must discuss armed conflict within our own borders. I shudder to think of what some of these idiots are planning in the privacy of their homes. This guy's rant better have gottent the attention of the Secret Service and the FBI.

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