Tuesday, August 3, 2010

View From Your Window

Andrew Sullivan has been posting, for years, photographs sent in by readers of views from their windows all over the world. Last year, it spawned a book which compiled the best of all the photos (and gave readers a vote as to which photo graced the cover) and sold fairly well.

The latest incarnation of VFFW is a weekly contest on the Daily Dish website which awards a copy of Andrew photo book to the person who correctly identifies the location of the photograph. It's been an amazing display of intelligence, resourcefulness, and humor. People who correctly identified past photos even sent in pictures of themselves at the very location in the photo.

This week's entry was from Sarajevo. It was a mystery to me how people deduced it from the evidence in the photo, but this one was apparently easier than the others. However, my favorite take-away was from one reader's response:
Sarajevo? This is the best I've felt so far regarding the contest, but there is no way I can compete with folks who actually travel to or google map the exact location to the actual coordinates. Gosh, you would think Dish readers could find Bin Laden if you made it into a contest!

Uh, Secretary Gates? Call on line one.

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