Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Campbell Brown, cont.

A reader writes:

In their town hall type meetings, McCain and Palin answer many unscripted questions questions from the audience but they do not often expose themselves to media gotcha questions designed only to embarrass them. No "Have you quit beating your spouse or children?" questions. Obama avoids unscripted questions like Hilliary did and Biden does not need them to embarrass himself.
Why, then, if they've answered unscripted questions from town hall participants, has the campaign not released video of the fabulous answers she surely must have given? Wouldn't it put to rest once and for all that she's a substantial, ready-on-day-one VP? I think not.

Oh, maybe there is no video? Uh, yeah right.

Reputable journalists (those that don't work for Fox News) don't engage in "gotcha" questions. Asking a candidate to respond to a statement he or she made on some issue that directly contradicts already-known facts related to the issue, is something that journalists can and must do. I believe that in those town-hall meetings, the questions are from the choir, designed for the candidate to preach right back to that choir. In other words, cotton ball questions.

McCain and Palin are so afraid to deal with real questions, McCain is using the financial crisis as cover to suspend his campaign and duck out on the debate Friday night. Not to diminish the importance of this issue, but a president must be able to multitask instead of dropping everything. This isn't 9/11 where thousands of people have just been killed. This is a money matter and needs to be handled rationally. In typical fashion, McCain is being alarmist, hot-headed and overly populist.

His campaign? Meltdown city.

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