[A] virtually identical pattern is seen across all three surveys: In each case, including cell phone interviews resulted in slightly more support for Obama and slightly less for McCain, a consistent difference of two-to-three points in the margin.Two to three points? They actually called this "statistically insignificant." Maybe for the polls, with margins of error of two to five percent. In a presidential election, that's a solid win.
Good news: an ABC/Washington Post poll shows Obama with a 9% lead over McCan't. This represents a five-point jump for Obama, and a six-point fall for McCan't, since the Republican National Convention three weeks ago. Add those cell phone geeks into the mix, and Obama's lead could be as much as 12%. Can you say "landslide?"
Other data in the poll: favorable numbers for Palin in the past two weeks among independents has dropped 12% to 48%, while among independent women the fall is dramatically worse -- down 22% to 43% favorable.
Maybe those numbers will jump a bit once (IF?) McCan't allows her to talk to the press. Or, sadly, if Biden eats his other shoe.
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