Monday, January 11, 2010

And Now, For Something Completely Predictable...

... Sarah Palin has joined Fox News as a contributor.

Her quote:
“I am thrilled to be joining the great talent and management team at Fox News. It’s wonderful to be part of a place that so values fair and balanced news.”

My italics. Words fail. This joke of a political figure, the most prominent and influential person in, and the face of, the Republican Party, an unabashed airhead who didn't hold a single press conference while the nominee of her party for Vice President (and to my knowledge has still not held an open press conference), who has cited the bias of the mainstream media as her reasons for banning specific reporters from appearances (all of them freelance bloggers, mind you), now plants her flag at the most popular cable news outlet in the country. As if that isn't mainstream enough for ya.

In light of the fact that Fox News is the propaganda wing of the Republican Party, and the likely source of information for everything Palin knows about the world, it is a match made in Heaven. Part of God's Plan. She'll be making her first appearance this Tuesday on O'Reilly. Be sure to miss it.

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