Monday, January 4, 2010

"Give Me One Good Reason," cont.

Following up on my earlier post, I came across this Talking Points Memo piece by Josh Marshall which addresses arguments made by a writer at the National Review. It shows how reflexively anti-Obama the right wing is, that they will argue anything so long as it discredits the Obama administration.

Marshall writes about another NRO writer, Andy McCarthy, who basically concedes that Thiessen's argument doesn't hold up:

McCarthy is saying Abdulmutallab should be tried before a military tribunal. And Reid and Moussaoui should have been too. Let's not pretend the cases are different or that we weren't able to send them to the brig then too.

This is all a perfectly consistent, reasonable argument. ... What you really can't do is claim that the Reid decision was the right one but that Abdulmutallab has to be treated differently -- or that President Bush didn't have the ability to treat Reid differently than he did. The whole question can be smashed to pieces, which McCarthy clearly gets, if you're just willing to say: Bush made a mistake. But that seems to be beyond Thiessen's reach.

The Cheney Republicans and its propaganda wing at Fox News really are that pathetic.

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