As the Obamas and Bidens wave fare-thee-well to the Bushes on January 20, one can only imagine the dialogue occurring between those powerful men and their wives (or the thoughts in their heads that they'd like to utter but don't):
"I can't believe he's finally gone."Or the conversation occurring on board Marine One:
"Ah, but his 'legacy' remains, doesn't it?"
"When do we sic Patrick Fitzgerald on him?"
"As soon as we have enough of his staff to give him up."
"What's for dinner tonight, Laura?"
"Well, dear, you've eaten enough humble pie today. How about a liquid dinner?"
"I gave up drinking, remember?"
"Oh, that's right. Silly me."
"'We thank him for his service.' That's all he could manage to say?"
"Well, that's more than Dick got."
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