Friday, October 3, 2008

Another Palin Lie


Last night she said:

When I and others in the legislature found out that we had some millions of dollars [of Permanent Fund investments] in Sudan, we called for divestment through legislation of those dollars.
Later in that same "answer" she covered her keester:

That legislation hasn't passed yet but it needs to...
In fact, ABC News is running a story on its website that, according to minutes posted online by the Alaska state legislature, Palin's office opposed divesting any of Alaska's Permanent Fund dollars from companies invested in Sudan. Palin's deputy treasury commissioner, Brian Andrews, testified before a hearing on the bill that "The legislation is well-intended, and the desire to make a difference is noble, but mixing moral and political agendas at the expense of our citizens' financial security is not a good combination." In other words, Palin to Darfur: Screw you.

Andrew Sullivan has now catalogued the 16th lie and distortion uttered by Palin. At this point, however, with the campaign throwing Hail Marys right and left, do her lies matter anymore? Andrew and others have been demanding that Palin hold a new conference and take unscripted questions, which would be appropriate and customary and would hold her lies up to the harsh light of the press. But don't we all know that it's not going to happen, despite the fact that the right-wingnuts want to set Palin free to use her charms to convince voters that we all have it all wrong about her and McCan't?

What are a few more lies in service to the Big Lie, that McCan't is more suited to be president? I think the debate poll results are definitive in that they indicate that voters are not fooled by her lies or her charms or her "you betcha" folksiness.

Hillary must've needed bottles of Pepto-Bismol to keep from throwing up last night. As for me, I fended off the nausea by swearing at the TV so loudly that I'm sure the PTA meeting at the school across the street heard me.

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