Thursday, October 2, 2008

McCain/Palin Quit Michigan

The Politico reports that the McCan't/Palin campaign have pulled out of Michigan, and have been moving their operatives into more competitive states like Ohio, Wisconsin, and Florida. Rasmussen today reports that Obama holds a 10 point lead in Michigan.

TV ads are being pulled and direct mail is being stopped.

As for the other states mentioned in the article, here are some recent poll numbers:

  • Strategic Vision - 10/1 - Obama 49%, McCain 40% (MoE 3%)
  • WISC-TV - 9/25 - Obama 49%, McCain 43% (MoE 4%)
  • Quinnipiac - 10/1 - Obama 50%, McCain 42%
  • Insider Advantage - 10/1 - Obama, 49%, McCain 46% (MoE 4%)

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