Wednesday, October 1, 2008

More Tongue!

In this clip from an interview with the Des Moines Register, McCan't clearly slips the interviewer the tongue (jut) at least twice, perhaps a third time. Each time, it's when he says things that are factually incorrect but when he believes he has the upper hand.

Look at the other signs, too. The facts that his gaze is glaring, his voice almost whisper-like in an overly-calm sort of way, his arms and hands are on the chair's arms, that he rocks frequently, suggest to me (though I'm not an expert in this area) that he is uncomfortable, feeling attacked, and waiting for an opportunity to counter. Contrast that posture with Obama's posture in his interviews with Bill O'Really(?) at Fox News. Sitting up, forward in his seat, sometimes leaning forward, hands folded in front of him, feet flat on the ground, eyes wide open. Voice even, forceful, and strong. He's accepting of whatever Bill has to say, takes it in with sincerity and honestly attempts to talk with Bill on the level. McCan't can't afford to admit a single error at this point without the press (I love that word now) pressing him on the nature of the error.

I think those ladies on The View rattled him pretty hard, because he's been combative and prickly with the press ever since.

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