Monday, October 13, 2008

"Leave Everything On the Road"

Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas is on a crusade. He has started "Orange to Blue," a campaign under ActBlue, which aims to put more Democrats in Congress. "O2B has so far raised nearly $1.1 million for various candidates (including $160,000 for Barack Obama and $108,000 for Al Franken). ActBlue has raised nearly $72 million from 144,000 donors since January 1, 2008.

Moulitsas has been writing some scathing pieces of late, which can be read here, here, and here. The most recent one is accompanied by a photo of former Georgia Senator and Democratic turncoat Zell Miller, delivering a withering speech at the 2004 Republican Convention that added serious fuel to the Bush campaign fire at a crucual time. The photo is hilarious, unretouched, and it makes Miller look like Dracula in a suit. Undead pallor. Fanged. And long fingernails.

Kos has a point here. Democrats shouldn't simply want to add a few seats to the Senate; they should want a filibuster-proof majority. They shouldn't want a couple more seats to an already comfortable House majority; they should want a crushing 101-seat majority (they're only 31 seats away from that goal). The Democrats should deliver a final blow to the Republican party that keeps them in minority status for a generation. Obama should defeat McCain and Palin so soundly, so convincingly, that McCain immediately retires from the Senate and Palin is irretrievably damaged such that she can never again set foot on the national stage. The Christianist wingnuts should be humiliated to the point where they return to their mega-churches and bake sales to think hard on what they want the word Christian to mean for their children and grandchildren. The right-wing corporate media should go back and read all of their columns and stories from 9/12/2001 to today to see just how enmeshed with the White House Communications Office they became during the Bush43 years. Fox News should become like the Hollywood Squares of cable news -- full of has-beens, telling awful jokes written by the former assistants of third-tier writers.

It's what Moulitsas means by "Leave Everything on the Road."

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