Friday, September 18, 2009

Bill-O Supports the Public Option

Take that, wingnuts!
"But you know, I want that, Ms. Owcharenko. I want that. I want, not for personally for me, but for working Americans, to have an option, that if they don’t like their health insurance, if it’s too expensive, they can’t afford it, if the government can cobble together a cheaper insurance policy that gives the same benefits, I see that as a plus for the folks."
Bill-O was speaking to someone from The Heritage Foundation on his show Thursday.

The actual transcript has him saying "The public option is now done," so I'm not exactly sure what Bill-O put in his coffee to have him talking out of both sides of his mouth. But the above quote has him clearly supporting government efforts to provide health insurance that provides a low cost alternative to expensive private insurance.

Somewhere in hell, Hitler and Nixon are skiing down some very cold slopes.

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