Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A Party of Zombies

Rod Dreher nails it spot on regarding the 9/12 protest:

Despite what Sam Tanenhaus says, conservatism is not dead. Rather, it's undead. The conservative movement is herking and jerking like a zombie, dedicated to little more than frenetic gestures execrating Obama, and to regaining power. To what end? Given that they're birthing a conservative party whose instincts are dictated by loudmouths, reactionaries and crackpots, and overseen by cynics, it's dispiriting to contemplate.

Where can those who wish to think and debate clearly about a serious politics of the right go? The degenerate form of populism now dominant on the right loves to praise "freedom" - but it has no use for freedom of thought, or thinking much at all. In turn, increasing numbers of thoughtful conservatives have no use for it.

Like I've repeatedly said: the aftermath of Bush/Cheney, and the 2006 midterms, and McCain/Palin will be a final and painful schism in the Republican Party. On one side will be rational, traditional conservatives who understand that there is no winner-take-all outcome in American politics, and who understand that they are not the only people who possess good ideas; and on the other side will be people such as those in Max Blumenthal's latest video taken on 9/12.

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