Tuesday, September 15, 2009

"A Tale Told by an Idiot..."

Today, the House of Representatives, whose leader said just last week that it was time to talk about healthcare, not about Joe Wilson, betrayed that wise assessment by formally admonishing Wilson for his outburst. This is not a censure, but it keeps Wilson in the news for another news cycle at a minimum.

What a boneheaded move: the vote was 240-179, mostly along party lines. Like the seven Republicans who voted for the resolution symbolized bipartisan support. Wilson called the measure a waste of time, and I agree. No one need remember the name of this idiot for one more day.

This is yet another example of a Democratic Party that constantly shoots itself in the foot. This vote has most certainly energized his supporters in South Carolina, who have ponied up $1 million or more since that day. T-shirts with "Joe Wilson, American Hero" on them are being sold online. Perhaps his opponent, who has actually raised more money since Wilson's outburst, believes he has a chance at winning that seat in 2010. Fat chance. The Mason-Dixon line is now called the Reagan-Nixon line, and those states below that line have all but seceded from the Union.

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