Palin gave a speech in Hong Kong Wednesday to a group of global investors. It was, of course, closed to the media, since she told the sponsors of the speech that she would have to "adjust her speech if reporters were present." While some liked what she had to say, according to AFP, two US delegates left early, with one saying, "it was awful, we just couldn't stand it any longer." Another Asian delegate complained that she spent too much time "promoting investment in Alaska."
In the speech she also criticized Obama's "government intervention" policies without naming him, saying, "We got into this mess because of government interference in the first place. We're not interested in government fixes, we're interested in freedom."
Uh, yeah right.
Well, of course she would have long forgotten by now that the Bush administration started the bailouts (which were a good idea, by the way). Before Obama had taken office, we had already bailed out banks (Citi, B of A, Wells), investment banks (Goldman Sachs, Bear Stearns), insurance companies (AIG), and the secondary mortgage market (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
But by far my favorite part of the speech was when she ruminated about the land bridge that connected Asia to North America across the Bering Strait:
Personally, I’ve always been really interested in the ideas too about the land bridge. Ideas that maybe so long ago, had allowed Alaska to be physically connected to this part of our world so many years ago. My husband and my children, they’re part [unintelligible] Eskimo, Alaskan natives. They’re our first people, and the connection that may have brought ancestors from here to there is fascinating to me.Scientists say the land bridge disappeared about 12,000 years ago. So, if the earth is only 6,000 years old according to biblical literalists, how can it be that it existed at all?
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