Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Establishment Republicans "Pale-in" Comparison to True Conservatives

Interesting development today: The National Republican Senatorial Committee announced today that it will not fund Republican candidates in disputed primaries. Seems to me like the Republican establishment has genuflected before the wingnut base and agreed to not stand in their way as they attempt to re-define the Republican Party -- not to mention Conservatism.

Once again, the GOP is on its way to becoming the Christianist Party, which bodes very well for the vast majority of Americans who do not subscribe to their radical theocratic ideology.

It bodes badly for establishment Republican candidates in tough races, like Charlie Crist who is running for Senate in Florida and has a serious challenge on his right from Marc Rubio, the speaker of the Florida House of Representatives. Also, it means newly announced Senate candidate Carly Fiorina, the former CEO of Hewlett Packard and a member of John McCain's economic advisory board, will get no Party support as she battles ultra-conservative Irvine assemblyman Chuck Devore in the primary. With her millions, she doesn't need the money from the Party. Whether having Michael Steele or Arnold Schwarzenegger or John McCain or (name any other Republican politician who lacks as much star power as Sarah Palin -- yeah, pretty hard, right?) stumping for her by email or direct mail or in TV buys (on her dime, of course) will be a benefit is anyone's guess.

Look for Senator Boxer to step up her environmental credentials, her close relationship with a president who is still very popular in California, and I predict Carly Fiorina will have lost more than just her hair (to chemo, just a joke here, OK?).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I don't know what I was thinking, but last Thursday evening I attended an event hosted by our homeowners association featuring Chuck Devore. He said the Republican Party was backing Carly, not him. While he was charming, intelligent and articulate, I found myself glued to my chair with my hands in my lap as everyone else in the room broke out into standing ovations all evening. Although I found his views frightening, it was the positive reaction from the crowd that scared me most. All in all, I'm glad I went, because I think it's good to see a different perspective now and again.
