Thursday, November 19, 2009

This is Why She Fucking Pisses Me Off

Sully does it again, this time pulling comments from Chicago Tribune columnist Steve Chapman to contrast Palin with Reagan, the patron saint of modern conservatism. Andrew's moving conclusion:
And I silently weep that the right has been reduced to this absurd fantasist know- nothing who believes her ignorance is her selling point. It is worse than a descent. It is an abyss.
See what I mean? I think that if I'd been a Republican and had a choice between Reagan and Palin, I'd have gone for Reagan all the way. What is it about American voters who think that someone who can relate to their circumstances as an ordinary person, but who lacks both the intelligence and vision to put together an actual plan to address those circumstances, can lead this entire country? The wingnuts honestly believe that this lying, reality-challenged, trailer-park, mooseburger-shitting reality show contestant can hold her own against leaders in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East when she doesn't know the first thing about the histories or complexities of their regions? Can you imagine that she would be sitting down with them, saying, "Aw, Nick -- I can call ya Nick, right? -- quit bein' such a stuffy old Frenchman and get with the program the way we do it in America!" "Well, Mr. Hu, you may have a billion or more people here in Communist China, but I'd stack a hundred of your best up against just one of my girls any day." "Aw, heck, King Abdullah your Majesty (eyes rolling), we can talk all day about the plight of the Palestinian people, but pretty soon it's all gonna be moot when Jesus comes rollin' into Jerusalem. All the Muslims around here are gonna be wishin' they'd followed Jacob instead of Ishmael." BOOM!

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