Thursday, November 5, 2009

How the GOP Helped the Dems Win the Health Care Debate

Sullivan shows why. A key problem in the Dem plan, other than the fact that it doesn't go far enough to rein in greedy insurers, is that, according to the CBO, the Dem plan will cost nearly $1 trillion and shave only $104 billion off the deficit over 10 years, while the GOP plan, at a price tag of $61 billion, will completely pay for itself over the same period. In that case, if we're discussing fiscal responsibility, wouldn't the GOP plan be a better option?

Yes, if the GOP plan also could manage to extend insurance coverage for the same amount of people to be covered in the Dem plan. But it doesn't. And, even though we're in this terrible fiscal crisis, the moral imperative of protecting the health of tens of millions of Americans trumps the need to "live within our means."

That said, Sullivan is right that Obama needs to couple this massive spending increase with meaningful offsets in entitlements to corporations, increasing Medicare premiums for the wealthy, and winding down two wars. And Obama should not be seen as letting up on any effort along these lines. This would be a sincere attempt to provide the public option on a "pay as you go" basis.

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