Monday, November 30, 2009

Republican Myopia?

Bob Cesca helps us understand why the whole news explosion about the party-crashing couple at the White House state dinner last week is much ado about nothing, and perfectly illustrative of the short-sightedness of those who hate Obama (and, in my opinion, America):
Remember when the Bush administration allowed a male prostitute from a fake newspaper into the White House press room in order to ask the president softball questions? Or when a guy managed to hurl not one, but two shoes at President Bush's melon during a so-called "secured" event, and the Secret Service did nothing to protect the president when the shoes began to fly?

Well, I remember them (my links above). And while I definitely understand the tendency of the media (and those so-called national security experts) to wax all worried-like about this breach of security, I am definitely seeing the hypocrisy on the right that this is somehow indicative of Obama's lack of national security cojones.

And, I might add -- where were the Republicans who were so keen on national security when they allowed a fake president to occupy the White House for eight years? Just sayin'.

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