Thursday, June 18, 2009

Will Ahmadinejad do the Unthinkable?

Today is day six since the Iranian people began protesting the fraudulent results of their presidential election. The movement appears to be gaining momentum rather than petering out. Just check out the pictures and video on the NY Times Lede Blog.

Violence against the protestors, while it has been brutal, so far does not show signs of turning into a massacre. Some commentators have been saying that this protest is Iran's version of Tiananmen Square. We all know how horribly that ended. Will Ahmadinejad order his troops into his capital city to stop this movement from growing any further? Does he even have the backing of his army? It's hard to tell. But I see no signs of this letting up.

Via Sullivan, here's a great quote for today:
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." - Thomas Jefferson

I turned the color of my blog page green in solidarity with the Iranian people. Now I will start wearing green as much as possible.

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