Friday, September 4, 2009

The Apex of Right-Wing Nuttiness, cont.

A reader writes:

BEAUTIFUL!!! I started a poll last night of Facebook, "After 8 years of Bush, isn't it ridiculous for parents to be concerned about an articulate President addressing the schools?"



C) Too paranoid to comment.

I sent it to 6 people. Within 2 hours it was up over 14 thousand. The percentages as of last night (haven't checked facebook yet today) were Yes 53% No 47%. GODDAMN, there are a lot of stupid motherfuckers in this country.

47% of the people who took his poll thinks parents ought to be concerned that Obama is talking to their kids. Nearly half. One can only gawk at the insanity that is brewing in this country. Maybe Joe Klein is right.

1 comment:

marilyn said...

Now let's turn the Facebook poll around:

"If it were a white Republican President speaking to our children instead of a black Democrat, would you feel the same concerns?"
C) Of course not, why do you ask?

and see where that gets us.