Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Hey there, and welcome!


When I became a dad on July 23, 2002, my life completely changed. I'd been trying to make a better living in my field of mortgage lending, and my wife and I had managed to save enough money to buy a house by then. But once I saw my sons -- Max in 2002, and Elijah in 2005 -- in the flesh, I knew that I had to step up the pace. I changed jobs and moved out of management into sales. Other than marrying my beautiful wife Lisa, it was the best thing I ever did. I became fearless by necessity, I learned how to compromise, and to advocate, and to "enroll" people in my vision better than I ever had when people reported directly to me. I believe that passion for life is essential to anyone's experience of life. To be a passive witness, a spectator, or to some degree, a commentator, is to miss out on what life has to offer. Ironically, commenting is what I will do here, but in the rest of my life I put my passion into action. As this blog grows, action plans will be part of what I hope to communicate. If that's going to happen, I'll need your help.

If you'll read the archive of posts, I started this blog more than a year ago when my son Max, now nearly six years old, had just been to the hospital after a fall. I'd been toying with blogging for a while before that, but all I'd managed to do at that point was comment on others' blogs.

Now I'm tired of that -- too much work. I'm hoping that with this blog I can get my thoughts down in one place. I hope to inspire others to comment and spread this blog around. If you're reading, thanks. If you don't want to get my daily thoughts, just say so.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go! You keep writin', I'll keep readin'...
