Sunday, April 13, 2008

San Francisco Honors GWB

Naming a sewage plant after President Bush? Why the fuck not? While we're at it, I think Los Angeles should do the same for its plant between Manhattan Beach and El Segundo.

The local movement is being headed by T. Wayne Pickering, who explains his intiative as a way to honor the president in "an appropriate and enduring" way.

I vote yes.

Sidebar: the comments in response to the story are mostly in support or just think it's hilarious. Two posts stood out for me: the first from mayfield17, who writes, "Why don't you guys burn some flags or spit on some soldiers? SanFran, what a terrible place to call home." Immediately following is Brock's fantastic response: "We don't. We call it 'San Francisco.' And we fuck our soldiers, we don't spit on them. Unless they ask."

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