Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Fringe on the Left

Ted Rall makes some good points about the popular vote revealing that we're still a sharply divided country, but this vote was not fear-based. More than any other election, even 1992, Americans reasoned this one out. True, it was not hard for most, given that McCain's candidacy was backward-thinking, dishonorable, and wildly off-kilter.

What Obama's election reveals is as nuanced as the president-elect's thinking: we went from a nation that 45 years ago had institutionalized racism and could never conceive of a man with dark skin to be a supermarket shift manager, let alone president; to a nation that celebrates the ascendancy of any person who has vision, courage, composure, and above all, compassion for everyday Americans. Plus, he didn't come from a southern state! Can I get an amen, brothers and sisters?

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