Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Quote of the Day II

"Folks on the right, and frankly I'm one of them in terms of voting record, have to yield to the world as it is and not necessarily how they wish it would be." Senator John Cornyn (R-TX), on the need for the Republican Party to "yield to reality" rather than insist on conservative purity.

Also in the linked story is a reminder that Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele has been working hard to tie the RNC to the tea-baggers.

Democrats aren't saying all that much, but they are giving the GOP just enough rope to hang itself with. If the GOP insists on ideological conformity and fields primary candidates to challenge established incumbents with records of working across the aisle, it will be their complete undoing. "The world as it is" is a world that requires the input of many voices in order to govern.

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