Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Hard-edged attacks from the left

Sen. Harry Reid skewers McCain and Phil Gramm (emphasis mine):

One Senator -- John McCain -- woke up yesterday morning, surveyed the state of the U.S. economy, summoned the ghost of his fellow Republican, Herbert Hoover, and declared, 'The fundamentals of our economy are strong.' I served with Phil Gramm here in the Senate. The same Phil Gramm who, as a Senator, was responsible for the deregulation of the financial services industry that paved the way for much of this crisis to occur.

I like Phil Gramm, I don't like his economics. A respected economist at the University of Texas -- now that's where Phil Gramm taught, in Texas ... James Galver said that Gramm was, and I quote, "the most aggressive advocate of every predatory and rapacious element that the financial sector has," and went on to say he is a "sorcerer's apprentice of instability and disaster in the financial system."

And then this from Senator Bernie Sanders:
The truth is that the fundamentals of our economy are strong if you are within the top 1 percent of our country. If you're a million or billionaire, you know what? Senator McCain is right. For those people, the fundamentals of the economy are strong.
h/t icecrystal72

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