Friday, September 12, 2008

Patience and Steel

It is the single most common admonition coming out of the Sullivan blog these last few days. Advice to Obama to resist unsheathing the sword of personal attacks on McCain't. Let McCain't implode with his unending lies, his blatant self-serving campaign that will say or do anything but focus on what Americans really care about, his politically expedient but completely uninspired and unprepared selection of a Vice President -- who was completely humbled by the humble Charlie Gibson (mea culpa, Signore) during her interview with ABC.

I don't have the time to point you to all the lies, but Sullivan has them, HuffPost has them, the NY Times has them, Cesca has them, Greenwald, Josh Marshall, Marc Ambinder, Jeffrey Goldberg, Ezra Klein, Joe Klein, etc., etc., etc. It is not hard to find the lies, as he has so willfully supplied us with so many..

I admit to being one of those who advocated that Obama fight, and he has fought, on the issues. He has artfully dismissed the noise of the opposition's lying lies, and stuck with "We have two wars going on. We have an economy in deep trouble, foreclosures going up, banks falling down. We have millions without healthcare." That's the real fight, "my friends."

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