Friday, September 19, 2008

Why Will the Blacks Vote for Obama?

A reader writes (emphasis mine):

Have you considered why polls predict that 90% of Blacks will vote for Obama? It cannot be racist because Blacks vote in almost the same ratio for Liberal whites running against Conservative whites. Can it be that there is a seldom recognized and never discussed cultural tradition that Blacks need a Master to provide for and direct them? Other people with similar but less extreme backgrounds of working for others and not owning land vote in almost the same ratio for Liberals over Conservatives. Liberals constantly make promises that government will be the benivolent Master they need. The lie is that plantation, farm, or business Masters are bad but Government is the good Master that will provide for the poor. This secret rationale is promoted by the Democratic Party so the so-called oppressed will vote for Liberals and give them power and the ability to skim some of the gravy. The good master is really the individual that studies and works to provide for him or her self and the family.

Where does the gravy come from? Remember, government does not produce anything. Government is a set of tools carried by workers and businesses that
produce all products and wealth in the country. Government can be a weapon to defend the nation against enemies both foreign and domestic. It can make treaties with foreign countries to achieve peace and control trade. It can print money and regulate the monetary system of the country. It can regulate navigation and commerce across state lines. It can make laws to promote public safety and collect taxes. It can determine that laws comply with the Constitution and mediate disputes between states. But, if there are too many tools or the tools are too large, workers and business can not continue to carry them. The tools can become a ball and chain or a millstone tied around the neck that will drag down and eventually drown producers in debt and regulation.

That is the purpose of the 10th Amendment; to disperse responsibility and cost to the States and people.

I'm not asking you...I'm begging you...please offer your views on these observations.

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