Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sarah Palin -- World Leader?

Sorry for the inadvertent early posts before...

Well, at least the campaign can now say she met a world leader... for a whole 29 seconds.

Like I said earlier, the press ought to boycott Palin until she relents and holds a proper news conference, which is standard for any candidate for mayor, let alone vice president. It's been nearly four weeks since her candidacy was announced, and all she's given at this point is a lame interview with ABC (which only highlighted how unprepared she is for the job) and a celebrity suck-off by partisan hack Sean Hannity.

Telling about this current photo-op, however, is that the McCan't campaign attempted to bar print reporters from the Karzai meeting, but relented after CNN, which was assigned to pool coverage duty, threatened to pull its cameras unless their producer was admitted. Further, the campaign apparently demanded, and apparently received, assurances that the vice presidential debate on Oct. 2 will have a limited Q&A period with the candidates and no free-wheeling exchanges between Biden and Palin. I hope Biden breaks that rule and calls her out a little. She'd either clam up and let the moderator do her scolding for her, or take the bait and spar with Biden. Either way, she loses.

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