Thursday, September 4, 2008

Playing the Race Card (Again)

In response to this Sullivan post last night, I wrote Andrew that when Sarah Palin used the words "community organizer" the way she did last night, the way Giuliani used it last night, it was code for the N-word. The Republicans have pulled out the race card again, trying yet another, ever-more-subtle way to make white voters afraid of having an African-American president. Of course, no one in the mainstream press is talking about this.

But, thanks to Bob Cesca, I found this clip of CNN's Roland Martin, a commentator I actually respect, responding to the community organizer comment.

The Obama campaign needs to pounce on this, making sure their base, and those independents who weren't hypnotized by the RNC's dog and pony show, connects with their inner voice that's saying, "they're racists."

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