Thursday, September 4, 2008

Business Break

OK, all you loyal readers, some business to attend to.

Over the last few months, I've been feverishly writing these blog posts to about 15-25 of you. Hear that? That's my readership in total. Up till now, this has been a passion project for me. I've not taken advantage of subscription for obvious reasons. I was still getting my feet under me regarding the quality of my blog: the posts were too long, I was off-base with my views, unsure that people would like it. However, I've gotten enough good feedback from you, as well as people who've stumbled on the blog by accident, that I think it's time I add other options for you, other than spoon-feeding you the posts by email. I believe that my writing equals many of the other writers out there who are receiving far more hits than I receive. Some of them even get paid to write for other websites. That would be a nice upgrade to this project of mine.

As a subscriber (which is free), you will still get my brilliant posts, full of humor, wit, good intentions, and serious insight, but you get to direct how you get them delivered. I subscribe to Andrew Sullivan, the New York Times opinion page, and the Los Angeles Times opinion page. They show up on my My Yahoo! home page.

Just click on the link at the bottom of this post to subscribe. Above the picture of my smiling, unshaven face, you'll see a link to subscribe. If you're a Yahoo!, AOL, or Google user, you can click on those icons and the process is done. If you subscribe to any other news readers, there are lots to choose from.

Now, I'm not vain - much - so if you don't want to subscribe that's OK. If you want to continue receiving the emails, I only have room for ten, so it'll be first come, first served. I will not change that list once I fill it.

By the way, if you're simply deleting my posts, let me know and I'll take you off my list. If, however, you are a fan, thank you, and please pass send the link below to your friends and family and encourage them to read. We are facing a challenge for the future of this country. I may be on one side of the issues we face, but as you've seen, I'm not opposed to discussing them with others or posting their views alongside my own.


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