Friday, September 5, 2008

It took over 300 posts...

...but I finally get to write one where I agree with Charles Krauthammer. It's not a perfect fit, but I'll give it up for CK for this in today's WaPo piece on the Palin pick:
The gamble is enormous. In a stroke, McCain gratuitously forfeited his most powerful argument against Obama. And this was even before Palin's inevitable liabilities began to pile up -- inevitable because any previously unvetted neophyte has "issues." The kid. The state trooper investigation. And worst, the paucity of any Palin record or expressed conviction on the major issues of our time.

He goes on to say that she'd need to "pull an Obama" -- to find a way to use her stardom to rise above her obvious liabilities -- to help McCan't win. But, as he acknowledges, "Palin does not reach Obama's mesmeric level." If she can use her other qualities -- her earthiness, her get-it-done attitude -- she might inspire voters just enough to pull in heavy numbers for the ticket.

My take on that is that she isn't inspiring anyone -- she's hypnotizing a base of support that is conditioned to drool and attack when a True Believer gives the command. I believe that this time, enough independent voters will have had enough of the smoke-and-mirrors of Republican presidential politics and be drawn to the substantive, meaningful, inspiring candidacy of Barack Obama.

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