Sunday, October 26, 2008

Portrait of the Fascist as a Young Woman

Y'know, I don't object to Palin's being handled by many Washington insiders once she is discovered and touted as the obvious VP pick for McCain. If one is going to achieve that level of achievement, one needs "sponsorship." However, her naked ambition, coupled with her obvioius lack of intellectual vigor (in other words, she's a lightweight), is so, well, naked. The woman hasn't understood the concept of a rear view mirror, or the internet. There is so much political detritus in her past that no one in his right mind could believe that the McCain campaign did a thorough enough job to vet her before selecting her.

This devastating piece in The New Yorker reveals how her candidacy was championed very early by members of the Beltway punditocracy. They were certainly very enamored of her. "Exceptionally pretty," "a babe," "a real honey," "real star quality" -- these were a few of the things written about her. Interesting that the knowledge of issues didn't really stand out there.

Apparently, the feeling was mutual. At the end of a second lunch meeting between Palin and various members of the elite Republican commentary circle -- Bill Kristol, Fred Barnes, Victor Davis Hanson, Dick Morris -- she struck an air of what I can only call longing:
[W]hen the moment came for Morris and other guests to depart, Palin was sad to see the Washington insiders go. Hanson recalled, “She said, ‘Hey—does anyone want to stay for dinner? We’re going to eat right now.’ She also invited everyone to come back the next day. ‘If any of you are in the area, all you have to do is knock. Yell upstairs, I’ll be right down.’ ”
All I can say is -- if you're a progressive you'd better not think this is over yet. Vote as soon as you can. Send her a message that the country wants her to be a permanent outsider.

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