Monday, October 6, 2008

Shifting Gears

It occurs to me that the mainstream and alternative press, and the netroots, spend an inordinate amount of time covering the Republican presidential campaign, a group of unpatriotic and dangerous right-wing neofascists whose sole aim is to weasel their way into the White House, providing as little information about themselves as possible, and as much negative information about Obama as possible -- with no attention given to accuracy or truth. Why give these devils the time of day when they won't make themselves available to anyone other than the bootlicking sycophants at Fox News?

I think our time is better spent elsewhere. If Sarah Palin or John McCain won't go before the press, then the press needs to find better material than sound bites taken from highly partisan rallies, or unadulterated spin from campaign spokespersons. The Obama campaign is not immune from spin doctoring, but at least the two candidates are freely available to the press.

At the same time, it needs to follow the lead provided by Campbell Brown at CNN to call for them to open up and be available to the press.

So, to that end, I decided to take a look at Obama's campaign materials. I went onto his website and pulled up his Healthcare Plan (pdf). This is the plan spun by the Republicans as forcing Americans into some grossly inefficient, government-run health care system.

After reading the plan, my response to the Republicans who level this charge is: You are all lying sack of excrement.

My next post will cover the plan in detail. I am not entirely happy with it myself, and think it comes up short in some areas. But, it certainly does preserve as best as possible what does work in today's health care system -- that being the benefit of direct doctor/patient decision making.

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