Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Vote for Obama, Cont.

Reason #3: Obama selected Joe Biden, McCain selected Palin. Sullivan:

The only non-negotiable criterion for the vice-presidency is an ability at a moment's notice to become the president, if the worst happens. Palin fails by that criterion. Fails. And the only reason Palin is where she is is because John McCain selected her after thinking about it for two minutes and meeting her once.

So McCain's first presidential level decision was not just a poor one. It was a disqualifying one. This was pass/fail. McCain failed. If you do not believe that Palin is qualified for the job McCain selected her for, then there are only two conclusions: either you cannot support McCain or you do not believe the presidency of the United States is a serious job.

This should be quoted verbatim to your friends who are leaning towards McCain.

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