Monday, October 20, 2008


Didn't watch it since I was camping, and didn't TiVo it either. I saw a clip of it this morning on the Today show. Saw Amy Poehler rapping on the Weekend Update segment, with the governor and soon-to-be defeated VP candidate bobbing her head along with the music and then doing a "raise the roof" move.

But here's the killer for me that showed me how much the producer and writers at SNL loathe Palin and McCain. Amy was rapping "All the mavericks in the room, put your hands up!" while Palin was raising the roof, but everyone knows that McCain (who was there in spirit if not in the room) can't even raise his hands up to comb his own hair. Sort of a tacky moment, don't you think? But there's Palin, blithely going along with the bit, and I bet completely oblivious to the idea that McCain is getting roasted.

A good HuffPost piece by Alec Baldwin (who also appeared on SNL with Palin) here.

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